20 most bizarre laws ever made

Vrunda Sagathia
3 min readJul 21, 2021


‘A law is valuable not because it is a law but because there is right in it” are the words of Henryward Beecher.

But what if laws made are completely opposite to the above statement and totally bizarre having no potential right in it.Sounds very perplexed, right? Although there are several bizarre laws which I’ll disclose today and I’m pretty sure you’ll get astonished to another level.

  • So let’s begin the fun, following are the 20 most bizarre laws ever made:

1.It is unlawful in Thailand to drive a car shirtless, regardless of the hot weather or any other causes. So make sure you take lot of shirts while having a trip there.

2.”To serve ketchup along with the food in school canteens is banned(except French fries.)“in France, this step is taken to preserve their traditional cuisines. Maybe French fries is an exception because it is French(haha).

3.Why would someone destroy money? But still destroying money is an crime in Turkey and they consider it as insult of their national flag and leads to jail.

4.”Interrupting or disturbing wedding or funerals is unauthorised in Australia”, and will not only ban you from all social events but also gets a fine and even imprisonment.

5.If you’re tired of your kids playing video game at midnight, send them to south korea simple. I’m not kidding, it’s a law for kids there not to play video game at midnight till 6 in morning.

6.If you have tattoos and especially of lord Buddha you’ll not be allowed to explore Srilanka, also taking selfies in front of idols of lord Buddha is prohibited.

7.A very bizarre rule in Madagascar is “Pregnant women are not allowed to wear hat”.

8.Texting while driving vehicle is illegal in. Canada, and still applies even if you’re in a drive-thru or waiting at signal.

9. Can we even think that sharing Netflix passwords can be an offence. Thankfully we don’t have this law but is in Tennessee.

10.Cutting trees should be punishable and the people of Arizona have taken this seriously but only for cactus. Cutting cactus there lead to imprisonment of 25 yrs.

11.Helmet are very important while driving for safety but they are banned in Brazil, strange but true though only is banned indoors.

12.In Russia it is unlawful to drive a dirty unwashed car. Very hygienic law!!

13.”It is an offence to catch, hurt or kill homing pigeons” in Australia and the person doing so will be charged heavy penalty.

14. The ban on flushing toilets after 10:00 PM is a strict regulation of Switzerland.I know you might be in shock so am i.

15. In UAE,It is illegal to use swear words,bad language and making insulting or rude gestures in public, and lead your ways to prison.

16.”Belly dancing is a ban for men in Egypt”.Only women are allowed to belly dance.

17.”2 child policy” this is implied in china and more than 2 child leads to fine.

18. In Vietnam It is illegal to blow continous your horn when overtaking someone,also its not allowed to undertake,to drive or ride a bicycle with headphones in.

19. Indian soldiers are not allowed to fight with knives except for the ones from Nagaland.

20. A game of Bingo cannot last more than 5 hours in the USA.So have an eye on watch while playing bingo there.

  • So,these were some unexpected strange laws, make sure you avoid doing all when travelling there or else you’ll be behind the bars.



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