20 most bizarre superstitions around the globe

Vrunda Sagathia
3 min readJul 5, 2021


We Indians have the belief that India is the only country full of superstitions and crowded with superstitious people but it’s totally erroneous.Today I’ll just break all your misbeliefs by revealing some bizarre though amazing superstitions from all around the globe which will leave you in a shock.

Below are the 20 most bizarre superstitions around the globe:

1.People in India tends to “avoid cutting or trimming nails at night”, according to them it would bring bad luck in their life, very strange right?(thank god I am not one of them).

2.What if someone stops you from chewing gum at night? Yeah that’s exactly the myth in Turkey, they think that chewing gum at night will turn it into dead’s flesh.

3.Imagine ”keeping your wallet on the ground would bring you financial crisis”, sounds odd, right? but is a strong belief among people in Brazil.

4.Gifting flowers is a sign of love even though people in Russia believe that,” yellow flowers personifies disloyalty or death” and so they avoid this.

5.In Egypt it is regarded “unlucky and a bad luck to open and close scissors without any need.”

6.We see Mermaid in the movies but people in Zimbabwe believe not only mermaids exist also if they kidnaps you and your family cries on that you’ll be entrapped forever by her. How crazy! Isn’t it?

7. “Placing 2 mirrors facing each other would open doors for the devil.” Mexicans have this super trick to avoid devil’s encounter.

8. Many times I just leave empty bottle on ground, but never gained of any goodluck. Although Russians think it brings good luck to them.

9.”Friday 13th is an unlucky day”, it’s not my belief but of the people in France, they avoid celebrations and auspicious events on this day. Next time you go France check the calendar first.

10.”Death by sleeping in room with a working fan causes death”, well If that’s true I would be dead a long ago, but south Koreans find its true.

11.In spain people ate grapes on new year’s eve rather than having champagne or else and thinks it brings them a happy year with lots of goodluck.

12.Indian DEVIL EYE:If someone could bring badluck just by looking at us everyone of us might have nothing else then badlucks.

13.US: “Finding a penny on the ground, especially if its heads facing upwards, is a sign of fortune.”

14.”Encounter with black cats brings badluck”, its well known superstition in India but you would shock by knowing it’s also a belief in France.

15.”Saying rabbit on first day of month brings good luck”,it’s a 2000 yr old tradition in UK, and they perform it every month.

16.”Whistling indoors brings financial crisis” is a superstition of Russians, we’ll definitely think twice before whistling now!!

17.“Spilling water behind someone will bring them good luck” is a common Serbian superstition.They often spill some water behind closed ones who is going on a trip or job interview in order to wish them luck.

18.”Walking backwards invites devil and lets him know your location” is a belief in Portugal and is always avoided.

19.’Alert for singles’, in Hungaria “Sitting on corner of the table will bring bad luck and he will never get married”. So the key to marriage is sitting in centre of the table!!

20.”Wishing cheers with water means you’re wishing death to the people you’re with” is myth in Germany. But why would someone say cheers with water!!

Now you got some new things to know,I hope you enjoyed reading these bizarre superstitions and it increased your knowledge enormously.



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