Vrunda Sagathia
2 min readJul 29, 2020

How adversity fuels innovation?

“There is no better than adversity, every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.” So with these words of Malcolm X we’ll begin,

We all know all the people regardless of rich or poor need to confront difficulties in their lives and its really unavoidable.

The great scientists Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, the great artist Van Gogh, even the movie stars and the list is endless, faced all the possible difficulties, failed several times but never gave up. They always kept on trying ignoring their failure and one day they achieved what we call “success” .They overcame their difficulties, transformed their misfortune into fortune, failures to success, and undesirable situations to desirable ones. The most important thing is to never give up and always keep trying.

The individuals who do not run or hide from their problems but rather face it, face their fears, weaknesses, insecurities, misfortunes, in-capabilities and make all of them a weapon to enlighten the fire in their hearts and minds for encouraging and empowering themselves towards their passion, their goal, towards advancement of their own selves driving them for being capable enough to be a ‘pioneer’ and an ‘innovator’.

They take their challenges confidently and go ahead defeating them. They think; “Our fortune is in our hands no one else could change it or build it for us”, and they treat all their adversities as an enemy and battle against it making its effect null on their life. They are the individuals who do not cry on their setbacks rather takes lesson from them and go ahead in their lives fearlessly achieving their goals.

As it is rightly said by Plato, “Need or necessity is the mother of invention ” .A person’s desire and need to conquer all the negative aspects and having the courage to express themselves, to fulfill their needs despite the challenges and adversities they face that’s when he/she emerges as an “innovator”, a “trendsetter”, and that’s “How adversity fuels innovation”.

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