Regret is stronger than gratitude?

Vrunda Sagathia
2 min readJul 29, 2020


The above question holds a solid spot and is really worth questioning in this era,right? The answer of it is supposed to be a “NO” but we cannot deny that the answer is the contrary which is a matter of great concern for us as human beings.

It is rightly said by Anne Frank.”Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because Regret is stronger than Gratitude.”

Why is it so that the dead person’s worth is more than living?

Why is the world going towards bleakness,distressingness and not having the worth of a living being?

Are we the individuals who are so unkind,egotistical, self centered that cannot show some gratefulness to the people and acknowledge and appreciate their work?

Are we prioritizing the people the way we should?

We are aware of all the answers to all of these,so then another query arises,”How to change it?”.

Change is itself a powerful term and is challenging,so is the process of changing anything which requires strenuous efforts by every individuals so as to build up it.

As it is rightly said that “Change begins at home!”.It’s the time to prove it by changing ourselves first and then others by doing something such as:

1.We are the ones who have to take the initiative and develop the qualities- kindness,gratefulness,thankfulness in ourselves for the establishment of a better world brimming with positive,loving and sparkling mankind.

2.We have to keep our ego and harsh behavior aside and shatter them and start appreciating and applauding people’s work and their thinking or whatever mastery they own and we don’t without keeping the feeling of superiority within us.

3.Instead of highlighting someone’s failures or in-competencies we should focus on their abilities,potentials and skills and attempt to gain from everyone around.

4.We have to start living in the present more leaving all the grudges and hard feelings of the past and letting the baggage of hatred and bitterness vanish from us.

5.Possession of sentiment of gratitude,love and respect,holding it tightly will for sure lead our ways to a world where living one will receive equal love and respect as the dead one.

I aim to have a blissful world with individuals having each other’s worth but it can only be possible by our joint inputs and efforts.I wish to see a world where gratitude’s side will be much heavier than the regret.

So we should try our best to reach that place.And i believe one day we’ll definitely reach that heights🤞.

